Books and Material Donations
If seeking to donate a large quantity of books, please contact the Wichita Adult Literacy Council. We accept small donations of books in good condition. Donated books that are not added to the collection may be placed on our Community Bookshelf or passed on to the Wichita Adult Literacy Council.
Monetary Donations
We welcome monetary donations in order to purchase/replace library materials and support programs.
Amazon Wish List
We have an Amazon Wish List for items requested by community members that are not available through our regular suppliers. You can help expand the Library's collections by purchasing items from this wish list.
If an organization or private party wishes to make a monetary gift donation to honor someone, please contact us at 940-767-0868 x4228 or by email or physical mail to 600 11th Street, Wichita Falls, TX 76301 Attn: Administrator.
Book Donation FAQ's
Q: What happens to the items I donate?
Library staff check all donated items based on specific criteria and add them to the collection or turn them over to other nonprofit agencies.
Q: Why aren't all donations added to the library collection?
Donated items that are added to the collection must meet established selection criteria such as relevance and need as outlined in the Collection Development Policy. Donated items do not always meet these criteria due to dated information, poor condition, or inability to meet the information needs of our community. Items that cannot be added to the library collection are turned over to other agencies or donated to those who have use for them.
Q: May I have a receipt for items I donate?
Library staff are not able to quote a value for the items donated, but upon request, will provide a receipt for the number of items donated with the date of donation.
Q: What types of items does the library need?
We prefer to receive current items in excellent condition. Items in poor condition do not hold up to library processing and circulation.
Items we prefer to receive include:
- Current and former bestsellers, fiction and nonfiction
- Hardback classics
- Children's titles
- Historical material related to Wichita Falls and surrounding communities
- Yearbooks from local schools
- Unabridged audio recordings, both fiction and nonfiction
- DVDs from the last year -- purchased, not copied, with covers in good condition
Q: What types of items cannot be donated?
Please do not donate:
- Items in poor condition (yellow pages, dusty, highlighted text, mildew odor/stains, and/or bug droppings)
- Textbooks
- Encyclopedias of any age
- Back issues or collections of magazines
- Condensed books
- Dated nonfiction
Q: Where do I bring my donations?
Please bring donations to the Service Desk. Do not place items in the outside Drop Box. If you require assistance bringing donations into the library, please speak with someone at the Service Desk to request assistance.