Library Cards

Library cards are available at no charge to persons residing in or owning property within Wichita Falls city limits. Applicants residing outside Wichita Falls city limits will be assessed a fee of $25 per year.

A current driver's license, Texas ID, or other government-issued photo ID is required of all applicants, in person, for proof of identification and place of residence. If applicant is a minor, a parent or guardian is required to be present to provide ID and sign the new library card. If the photo ID does not reflect a Wichita Falls address, bring mail that has been sent to you at your Wichita Falls residence with your name and address.

Online Library Cards

Sign up for a library card today by filling out an online application. You will receive your card on your next visit to the library with photo ID. To activate the card to check out books or download e-content, present a photo ID in person at the Wichita Falls Public Library at 600 11th Street, Wichita Falls, TX  76301. Minors must appear with a parent in order to activate the card. Non-residents are required to pay $25 per year. Call the Library at 940.767.0868 for further information.

Library account holders are responsible for all materials borrowed on their card and agree to abide by library lending rules and all policies and regulations. If a library card is lost, replacements are available in-person at the service desk upon presenting a valid ID. Lost cards should be reported immediately.

Texshare Cards

The Wichita Falls Public Library participates in the statewide TexShare Library Card Program sponsored by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The TexShare member libraries, academic and public, have adopted a common goal to promote and facilitate access to information, communication, and research among their communities by extending free reciprocal borrowing privileges to each other's patrons, so they may have direct, personal access to materials not available at the home library. Locally, WFPL adult cardholders may request a TexShare card, which may then be used to check out materials from any participating TexShare Library throughout the state.  Each participating Library sets its own rules as to how many items may be checked out, for how long, and fines and fees for late, damaged, or lost materials.

To take advantage of the TexShare Card Program, just follow these simple steps:

1. Register for and receive a TexShare Card from your home library.
2.  Consult the TexShare website to see the list of libraries which participate in the Card program and the specific lending policies of the library you wish to visit.
3.  Present your TexShare card at the reciprocating library's circulation desk to activate your checkout privileges.  You may be required to show a photo I.D.
4. Select the books you wish to borrow and check them out.  Remember that late fees will be assessed for lost, late, or damaged materials.
5.  When you're finished with the materials, return them to the lending library either in person or by first-class mail.